Svadhisthana Chakra Bead Bracelet
Silver Svadhisthana Charm Bracelet
Orange Carnelian Bead Bracelet
SVADHISHTHANA CHAKRA: Svadhishthana (English: "where your being is established." "Swa" means self and "adhishthana" means established.) or the sacral chakra, is the second primary chakra according to Hindu Tantrism. This chakra is said to be blocked by fear, especially the fear of death. The svadhisthana chakra is associated with water.
This energy center offers direct access to flow, flexibility, and fun. In working with this chakra, you will address your relationship with both others and yourself. Personally, you’ll discover you have unlimited creative power; you’ll learn how to cultivate a healthy relationship to pleasure; and you’ll gain insight into your default reactions and deepest emotions.
Sacral Chakra Bead Bracelet
With others, you’ll learn how to express yourself more skillfully and how to begin setting healthy boundaries. Located in the lower abdomen below the navel, the sacral chakra or svadhisthana is the second in your seven chakras. The sacral chakra is associated with the emotional body, sensuality, and creativity. The sacral chakra helps cultivate flexibility and adaptability.