The Journey Begins
The Journey Begins by A.L.I.A.S.
The is the Outro 'The Journey Begins" the 18th (last) track on the album "The World Ain't Ready! Chapter I: Rise to Power" by A.L.I.A.S.
A.L.I.A.S. seeks to begin his spiritual journey but simply recognizing the path to Self-Realization is very different from walking the path.
As soon as the ego recognizes that the soul seeks to gain its rightful place, maya rallies the forces of ignorance to dissuade the aspirant. Samskaras, bad habits and material desires won't give up that easily.
This is the celestial "Song of the Spirit;" the inner battle each individual must fight to overcome worldliness to gain the freedom of the soul and total liberation...
A.L.I.A.S. Merchandise:
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The Journey Begins Song Lyrics:
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Spotify: The Journey Begins
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SoundCloud: The Journey Begins
Pandora: The Journey Begins
Amazon Music: The Journey Begins
YouTube Music: The Journey Begins