Manipura Chakra Bead Bracelet
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Golden Yellow Rutilated Quartz Bead Bracelet
This bead bracelet has 10mm golden rutilated quartz beads along with two gold hematite beads, silver center bali bead, silver and hematite spacers along with a Manipura chakra charm or no pendant. According to ancient yoga teachings, the body has 7 main energy centers which process our emotions known as the chakras.
Manipura Chakra Bead Bracelet
The word "chakra” means wheel or energy vortex. Each chakra resides in the astral spine extending from the base to the crown of the brain. From the base to the top the chakras are the Muladhara, Svadhishthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha, Ajna & Sahasrara.
Silver Manipura Chakra Charm Bracelet