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What Happened to the Onassis Fortune?

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The Onassis Fortune

Who Did Aristotle Onassis Leave His Fortune To?

The Onassis fortune, associated with the wealthy Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis, has undergone various changes and developments since his passing in 1975. Here are some key points regarding the fate of the Onassis fortune:

When Did Aristotle Onassis Die?

  1. Aristotle Onassis' Passing: Aristotle Onassis, known for his significant contributions to the shipping industry and his marriage to Jacqueline Kennedy, passed away in 1975. Upon his death, his fortune was subject to inheritance and estate planning.

  2. Inheritance and Succession: After Aristotle Onassis' death, his daughter Christina Onassis inherited a substantial portion of his fortune. Christina Onassis herself passed away in 1988, and control of the family assets then passed to her daughter, Athina Onassis Roussel, who was a minor at the time.

  3. Athina Onassis Roussel: Athina Onassis Roussel, the granddaughter of Aristotle Onassis, inherited a significant portion of the family fortune upon her mother's death. Over the years, she has managed her inheritance, which includes assets beyond shipping, such as real estate, investments, and other holdings.

  4. Family Dynamics: The Onassis family has experienced various personal and legal challenges, including disputes and legal battles over inheritance, custody, and management of assets. These challenges have occasionally drawn public attention and speculation.

  5. Business Ventures: The Onassis Group, which was founded by Aristotle Onassis and once controlled a vast shipping empire, has seen changes and diversification over time. The family's business interests have expanded beyond shipping into other sectors, such as energy, real estate, and more.

  6. Privacy: The Onassis family is known for maintaining a level of privacy and discretion regarding their financial affairs, which can contribute to speculation and limited public knowledge about the specifics of their fortune.

  7. Philanthropy: The Onassis Foundation, established by Aristotle Onassis himself during his lifetime, is a significant philanthropic organization that supports various educational, cultural, and public welfare initiatives. The foundation continues to operate and make contributions in accordance with its mission.

How Much Money Did Jackie Kennedy Onassis Inherit?

Although the bulk of his estate went to his daughter after his death in 1975, Jacqueline Kennedy inherited a sum variously estimated at $20 million to $26 millionIt's important to note that detailed and up-to-date information about the current state of the Onassis fortune and the family's financial activities might not be readily available due to their private nature. As such, the specific details and developments surrounding the Onassis fortune may not be fully known to the public.

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