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Green Cove Springs Third Saturday Market in the Park

Posted by Onassis Krown on
Green Cove Springs 3rd Saturday Market in the Park Banner

Green Cove Springs Saturday Market

The Green Cove Springs Third Saturday Market in the Park was created to help local businesses in the Clay County area be vendors to sell their products like goods, produce, clothing, books, accessories, jewelry and more. This event helps businesses introduce themselves to the community, increase brand awareness and make money.

It is a collaboration of local businesses to promote the local economy. Formed in the Winter of 2013 by a group of business owners and community leaders, the Green Cove Springs Business League is designed to help the City of Green Cove Springs and their businesses identify areas of improvement to help grow and create an environment that will attract patrons and businesses alike. We pledge to help showcase what our great city has to offer and spread the word that Green Cove Springs is a great place to Live, Shop, Dine, and Play.

Third Saturday Market

As the Longest Running Monthly Market in Green Cove Springs, this pop-up shop is held every 3rd Sat of the month (except July and August) and local vendors sell arts, crafts, jewelry, clothing, fruits and vegetables and much more located on Walnut Street in front of City Hall.

When: Every 3rd Sat of the Month (except July and August)

Where: In front of City Hall at 321 Walnut Street, GCS, FL 32043

Time: 10am – 2pm

What: 3rd Saturday Market averages 55+ vendors monthly.  A variety of arts, crafts, food items, beauty products and accessories, fresh produce and more are offered. Follow us on Facebook (click link below) for the most up-to-date information on upcoming markets

Market in the Park Contact Information

Third Saturday Market in the Park is held 10 am to 2 pm every third Saturday of the month from September to June on Walnut Street in front of Spring Park. Organized by Green Cove Springs Business League, each month features a variety of local vendors selling fresh produce and other freshly made goods. Live entertainment or music is also featured every month. Those interested in becoming a vendor, email Green Cove Springs Business League.

Things To Do in Green Cove Springs

  • Entry fee is $25/market
  • You must apply to become a vendor at the link above. Once approved, you will be on the email list
  • At the beginning of the month, those who were vendors the prior moth will have the opportunity to accept the invite into the current month. On the 5th of the month, we will open up the remaining spaces to those on the email list.
  • Spaces will accommodate a 10’x10′ canopy tent.  Please be sure to have the proper tent weights and/or tie downs/anchors.  Green Cove Springs Business League is not responsible for any damages
  • We can only allow 1 vendor per affiliate company (i.e. Scentsy, MaryKay, Paparazzi, Pampered Chef, etc.

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