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Hottest Greek Fraternity & Sorority Paraphernalia

Posted by Onassis Krown on
Divine Nine Greek Paraphernalia

Divine Nine Greek Paraphernalia Store

Whether you're in college, hanging on the yard, going to a step show or just trying to represent your greek fraternity or sorority, everyone knows a sharp piece of greek paraphernalia is the best way to stand out!

Of course when you're a neo or still in college, you want to wear your 'nalia loud & proud from head to toe! As members graduate, get older and become professionals, they still may want to represent their greek organization but tend to want to do so in more subtle ways. 

Either way, Onassis Krown has got you covered with some of the most unique and creative greek gear that you can't find anywhere else.

Why Do Greeks Wear Paraphernalia?

Greek paraphernalia is essentially any piece of clothing item such as a hat, shirt, jacket, sweater, tie, bracelet, bow tie, bottoms, socks or jewelry that either prominently or subtly displays the greek organization's letters and/or colors.

When it comes to the Divine Nine, which collectively, are the oldest historically black college greek organizations with founding years from 1906 to 1963. The greek fraternities & sororities that make up this group are: Alpha Phi AlphaAlpha Kappa AlphaOmega Psi PhiKappa Alpha PsiDelta Sigma ThetaPhi Beta SigmaZeta Phi Beta, Sigma Gamma Rho and Iota Phi Theta.

Who is the Best Fraternity & Sorority?

If you ask any greek member "who is the best" they're sure to tell you their own! Of course each of the Divine Nine greek organizations have lots of reasons to be proud. They all have famous members. They all have their lists of firsts. They all have contributed greatly to the college experience as well as helped shift society in a positive direction. All of these historically-black fraternities & sororities think their colors and letters are the best and they all most certainly think they have the best paraphernalia

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