Online Clothing Store & Holistic Wellness Center
Hip-hop artist A.L.I.A.S. transformed this streetwear clothing brand into a holistic lifestyle network for online life coaching, marriage counseling, keynote speaker, self-help books, podcast, music, fashion, Greek gear, footwear, incense, soy candles, body oils & Westgate vacations. Join our global social change movement to help build virtuous Kings & Queens in body, mind, spirit & home. For our regal couples, start with our Prepare Enrich Compatibility Assessment to level-up your relationship!
Others give you a brand story; we give you not just a cultured enterprise but a refined LIFESTYLE built upon the Seven Jewels! We are a worldwide community born in the South Bronx and headquartered in Jacksonville FL. Reading a best-selling spiritual book like Know Thyself, a best-selling law of attraction book like The Golden Egg and a best-selling self-improvement book like Wear Your Krown, knights you to become part of our "return to royalty" renaissance. Follow us on Instagram, Tik-Tok, YouTube & FB for free, holistic digital content to help transform your life. A higher standard of living awaits those who not only seek it... but demand it!
"What lies before you & what lies behind you are tiny matters compared to what lies WITHIN you!"
- Onassis Krown LLC
"Strive for Perfection; Settle for Excellence!"
* Fashion for a cause! A portion of all proceeds goes towards fighting substance abuse & domestic violence; causes near & dear to our hearts: DONATE!