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Can I Take The Prepare/Enrich Assessment For Free?

Posted by Onassis Krown on
Prepare/Enrich Assessment

Prepare/Enrich Assessment

The Prepare/Enrich Assessment is not available for free to the general public because it is a professional tool that requires certified facilitators to administer and interpret the results. You can't access the assessment directly on your own, but it can be done through licensed counselors, therapists, or clergy who are trained in using the Prepare/Enrich system.

Here’s what you can do to access it:

Steps to Take the Prepare/Enrich Assessment:

  1. Find a Certified Facilitator:

    • Visit the official Prepare/Enrich website and use their “Find a Facilitator” tool to locate a trained professional near you.
    • Many marriage counselors, family therapists, or faith-based leaders (pastors, priests, etc.) are certified to administer this assessment.
  2. Cost:

    • The Prepare/Enrich assessment typically costs between $35 and $60, but the total cost can vary depending on the facilitator’s fees for sessions or counseling. Facilitators may offer packages that include both the assessment and several follow-up counseling sessions to work on the results.
  3. Check for Community or Church Programs:

    • Some religious organizations or counseling centers may offer the assessment at a reduced cost or as part of a larger premarital or marital counseling program. If you are connected to a faith-based community, you might inquire if they offer it at a subsidized rate or for free as part of counseling services.

Unfortunately, the Prepare/Enrich system is a proprietary tool, so it’s not something that can be legally distributed for free or bypassed online. You’ll need to go through a certified facilitator to experience the full value of the assessment and its personalized feedback.

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