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M.A.R.I.A. by A.L.I.A.S.
M.A.R.I.A. is the 3rd track (3 of 18) on the album "The World Ain't Ready! Chapter I: Rise to Power" by A.L.I.A.S.
This song has many meanings... On the surface, M.A.R.I.A. is the next evolution for slang similar to Mary Jane, Brown Sugar etc all related to marijuana. M.A.R.I.A. on another level means simply the desire, lust or addiction for any substance such as women, food, drugs, clothes, jewelry, material objects, cars, houses, fame and/or power.
However, on a deeper spiritual level M.A.R.I.A. is an acronym for "Mind And Reason In Action." It is symbolic of the battle between the gross worldly objects and the more subtle spirituality. An active mind driven by the senses is what keeps man bound to the material or physical plane of existence. Reason symbolic for "God's Wisdom" or "Intelligence" is what we need to nurture either through experience or more directly through meditation.
We should never become slaves of our "wants" but rather discipline the body and the senses to serve the soul which is guided through intuition by connection inwardly with Wisdom...
A.L.I.A.S. Merchandise:
Be sure to check out our Long Sleeve ALIAS Shirt and our Short Sleeve ALIAS t-shirt in several different color options!
MARIA Song Lyrics:
Music Platforms:
Spotify: M.A.R.I.A.
Apple: M.A.R.I.A.
SoundCloud: M.A.R.I.A.
Pandora: M.A.R.I.A.
Amazon Music: M.A.R.I.A.
YouTube Music: M.A.R.I.A.